S 100: Google Cloud Debian Linux Server (10 pts)

What you need


To deploy a Linux Server on the Google cloud.

Creating an Account

Start at


Click "Get started for free"

On the next page, choose your country and click continue.

Sign in to a Google account (don't use a CCSF email account):

Agree to the Terms of Service.

Fill in the next page. You must enter a credit card number, but it says you won't be charged without agreeing to that later.


A box says you have $300 in free trial credit, as shown below.

On the next page, click "Compute Engine".

Wait while it gets ready.

The "VM instances" page appears, as shown below. When it's ready, you see the screen shown below. Click Create.

Creating a Debian Linux Server

The "Create an instance" page appears as shown below.

Give your instance an appropriate name, such as "linux".

In the "Firewall" section, check both boxes to allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic, as shown below.

At the bottom of the page, click the Create button.

Your Linux machine is now included in the list of instances, as shown below.

In the "linux" line, in the "Connect" column, click the drop-down arrow. Click "Open in browser window", as shown below.

Your Linux server's console appears, as shown below.

Flag S 100.1: Model (10 pts)

In the console, execute these commands, as shown below.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install hwinfo -y
sudo hwinfo --disk
Find the Model name, which is covered by a green box in the image below. That's the flag.

Capturing a Screen Image

Capture a WHOLE-DESKTOP image showing the flag.

Save the image as "Proj S 200 from YOUR NAME".

Turning in your Project

Email the image to cnit.50sam@gmail.com with the subject line: S 200 from YOUR NAME.

Ported to CNIT 50 on 3-15-2020