H 411: Nmap (40 pts)

What You Need for This Project

Installing Nmap

Go to https://nmap.org/download

Download and install Nmap.

Port-Scanning scanme.nmap.org

Launch Nmap. Enter a Target of


outlined in light blue in the image below.

At the top right, click the Scan button.

When the scan finishes, click the "Ports / Hosts" tab.

H 411.1: High Port Number (5 pts)

The flag is covered by a green box in the image below.

Port-Scanning ad.samsclass.info



as shown below.

H 411.2: Raspbian Port Number (5 pts)

The flag is covered by a green box in the image below.

Important Nmap Options

By default, Nmap only scans the most popular 1000 TCP ports, not all 65,536 possible ports.

Here is a list of all the Nmap options:


These are the most important ones:

To use them, add the options to the Command line.

H 411.3: My packets (10 pts)

Find the TCP port on the ad.samsclass.info server that returns this banner: "My packets are your packets."

That port number is the flag.

Hints: You need to add an option to the scan.
Look on the "Nmap Output" tab.

H 411.4: Key to the Universe (15 pts)

Find the TCP port on the ad.samsclass.info server that returns this banner: "The key to the Universe."

That port number is the flag.

Hint: scan more ports

Moved to local server 3-21-19
Forms removed 7-9-19
Generalized to non-cloud servers and renumbered to H 410 6-8-2020
Minor format fix 8-1-2020