M 203: ADB & Nox on Windows (15 pts) M 203:Windows上的ADB和Nox(15分)

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To configure your system so the Android Debug Bridge in Kali can access your Nox virtual machine.要配置系统,以便Kali中的Android Debug Bridge可以访问Nox虚拟机。

Using Two PCs使用两台电脑

I was not able to connect two virtual machines to the same network adapter in bridged mode on the same machine;我无法在同一台机器上以桥接模式将两台虚拟机连接到同一网络适配器; perhaps because I used VirtualBox for my Kali machine.也许是因为我使用VirtualBox作为我的Kali机器。

For best results, use two PCs: one for Nox and one for Kali.为获得最佳效果,请使用两台PC:一台用于Nox,另一台用于Kali。

Finding Kali's IP Address找到Kali的IP地址

Start your Kali virtual machine and connect to the Internet.启动Kali虚拟机并连接到Internet。 Use Bridged networking.使用桥接网络。

On Kali, in a Terminal, execute this command:在Kali上,在终端中执行以下命令:

Find your IP address, as highlighted in the image below.找到您的IP地址,如下图所示。

Using VirtualBox使用VirtualBox

If your Kali is in Virtualbox, you need to shut down your virtual machine and configure Adapter 2 as shown below.如果您的Kali位于Virtualbox中,则需要关闭虚拟机并配置Adapter 2,如下所示。

If you cannot connect to any adapters, and all the "Name" options are grayed out, you need to install the "VirtualBox NDIS6 Bridged Networking Driver. To do that, open Network Connections, and the Properties of your Ethernet adapter. Click Install, Service, "Add...", "Have Disk...", "Browse...", and browse to "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\drivers\network\netlwf\VBoxNetLwf.inf" Install the driver, as shown below.如果无法连接到任何适配器,并且所有“名称”选项都显示为灰色,则需要安装“VirtualBox NDIS6桥接网络驱动程序。为此,请打开”网络连接“和”以太网适配器的属性“。单击”安装“,服务,“添加...”,“有磁盘...”,“浏览...”,然后浏览到“C:\ Program Files \ Oracle \ VirtualBox \ drivers \ network \ netlwf \ VBoxNetLwf.inf”安装司机,如下图所示。

Find the Host Adapter Name找到主机适配器名称

On your host system, open a Terminal or Command Prompt.在主机系统上,打开终端或命令提示符。

On your Windows host system, execute this command:在Windows主机系统上,执行以下命令:

ipconfig IPCONFIG
Find the adapter with an IP address on the same subnet as your Kali machine.找到与Kali计算机位于同一子网的IP地址的适配器。

On my system, it was Ethernet , as shown below.在我的系统上,它是以太网 ,如下所示。

Enabling Bridged Networking in Nox在Nox中启用桥接网络

Launch Nox.发射Nox。 In the top right, click the gear icon.在右上角,单击齿轮图标。 In "System settings", on the left side, click " Property settings ".在“系统设置”的左侧,单击“ 属性设置 ”。

In the "Network settings" section, click the blue install link, as shown below.在“网络设置”部分中,单击蓝色安装链接,如下所示。

A box pops up saying "Bridge connection driver installed successfully".弹出一个框说“已成功安装桥接连接驱动程序”。 Click Ok .单击确定

In "System settings", click " Enable network Bridge mode ", as shown below.在“系统设置”中,单击“ 启用网桥模式 ”,如下所示。

Click : Save settings ". Click " Restart now ".单击: 保存设置 “。单击”立即重新启动 “。

Finding the Nox IP Address查找Nox IP地址

In Nox, at the bottom right, click the envelope-shaped icon to get to the Home screen.在Nox的右下角,单击信封形图标以进入主屏幕。

Click Tools , Settings , Wi-Fi .单击工具设置Wi-Fi

Point to WiredSSD .指向WiredSSD Hold down the left mouse button until a box pops up.按住鼠标左键直到弹出一个框。 Click " Connect to network ".单击“ 连接到网络 ”。

Click WiredSSD .单击WiredSSD You see your Nox machine's IP address, as shown below.您会看到Nox机器的IP地址,如下所示。 Make a note of it and click Cancel .记下它,然后单击“ 取消”

Enabling USB Debugging启用USB调试

In Nox, Settings, at the top left, click the back-arrow to get back to the main Settings page.在Nox,Settings,在左上角,单击后退箭头返回主“设置”页面。

Scroll to the bottom and click " About tablet ".滚动到底部,然后单击“ 关于平板电脑 ”。

Scroll to the bottom and click the " Build number " seven times, as shown below.滚动到底部,然后单击“ 内部版本号 ”七次,如下所示。

When you click it enopugh times, a box pops up saying "You are now a developer!".当你点击它时,会弹出一个框,上面写着“你现在是开发人员!”。

At the top left, click the back-arrow.在左上角,单击后退箭头。

Click " Developer Options "点击“ 开发者选项

Scroll down and find the " USB Debugging " option, as shown below.向下滚动并找到“ USB Debugging ”选项,如下所示。

Click the " USB Debugging " and click OK .单击“ USB调试 ”,然后单击“ 确定” USB debugging is now enabledf, \as shown below. USB调试现已启用f,\,如下所示。

Pinging your Android Device from Kali从Kali ping您的Android设备

On Kali, in a Terminal, execute this command, replacing the IP address with the IP address of your Genymotion Android device:在Kali上,在终端中,执行此命令,将IP地址替换为您的Genymotion Android设备的IP地址:
ping -c 4 ping -c 4
You should see replies, as shown below.您应该看到回复,如下所示。

If you don't, you need to troubleshoot your networking before proceeding.如果不这样做,则需要在继续之前对网络进行故障排除。

Connecting to your Android Device with ADB使用ADB连接到您的Android设备

On Kali, in a Terminal, execute these commands, replacing the IP address with the IP address of your Genymotion Android device:在Kali上,在终端中,执行这些命令,将IP地址替换为您的Genymotion Android设备的IP地址:
apt update apt更新
apt install android-tools-adb -y apt安装android-tools-adb -y
adb connect adb connect
adb devices -l adb devices -l


If you see an error message saying "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)", restart your Kali machine.如果您看到一条错误消息“E:无法获取锁定/ var / lib / dpkg / lock-frontend - 打开(11:资源暂时不可用)”,请重新启动Kali计算机。
You should see your Genymotion device in the "List of devices attached", as shown below.您应该在“附加设备列表”中看到您的Genymotion设备,如下所示。

Find the product number, covered by a green box in the image below.找到下面图片中绿色框所示的产品编号。

M 203: Product Number(15 pts) M 203:产品编号(15分)

Find the text covered by a green box in the image above.找到上图中绿框所覆盖的文字。 That's the flag.那是旗帜。
Converted to a CTF 2-28-19转换为CTF 2-28-19