M 103: Burp (20 pts) M 103:打嗝(20分)

What You Need for This Project你需要什么这个项目


To get Genymotion and Burp working, so you can perform man-in-the-middle traffic interception, to detect SSL certificate validation errors.要使Genymotion和Burp正常工作,您可以执行中间人拦截,以检测SSL证书验证错误。

Installing Burp安装打嗝

Burp is a very popular proxy, enabling you to view and alter network traffic. Burp是一种非常流行的代理,使您可以查看和更改网络流量。

In a Web browser, go to https://portswigger.net/burp在Web浏览器中,转到https://portswigger.net/burp

In the "Community Edition" column, click Download ", as shown below.在“社区版”列中,单击“ 下载 ”,如下所示。

Install the software with the default options.使用默认选项安装软件。

Ubuntu Users Ubuntu用户

If you are using Ubuntu, execute these commands:如果您使用的是Ubuntu,请执行以下命令:
cd Downloads cd下载
ls -l ls -l
You should see the name of the downloaded file, which should be something like burpsuite_free_v1.6.01.jar .您应该看到下载文件的名称,该名称应该类似于burpsuite_free_v1.6.01.jar Use that name in the commands below:在以下命令中使用该名称:
cd Downloads cd下载
sudo mkdir /opt/burp sudo mkdir / opt / burp
sudo mv burpsuite_free_v1.6.01.jar /opt/burp sudo mv burpsuite_free_v1.6.01.jar / opt / burp
cd /opt/burp cd / opt / burp
sudo touch burp sudo touch burp
sudo chmod 777 burp sudo chmod 777打嗝
sudo echo "java -jar burpsuite_free_v1.6.01.jar" > burp sudo echo“java -jar burpsuite_free_v1.6.01.jar”>打嗝
./burp ./burp


If you run Burp in Kali, it seems not to properly export the certificate and Chrome on Android refuses to accept it.如果你在Kali中运行Burp,似乎没有正确导出证书,Android上的Chrome拒绝接受它。 It can be imported but Chrome gives an error when opening secure pages anyway.它可以导入,但Chrome在打开安全页面时会出错。

We succeeded by running Burp directly on the host system instead (Mac OS).我们成功地直接在主机系统上运行Burp(Mac OS)。

Starting Burp开始打嗝

When Burp starts, the first window asks you to create a project.当Burp启动时,第一个窗口会要求您创建一个项目。 Accept the default option of "Temporary project" and click Next .接受默认选项“临时项目”,然后单击“ 下一步”

In the next page, click the Start Burp button.在下一页中,单击Start Burp按钮。

The main Burp window opens, as shown below.主Burp窗口打开,如下所示。

Click the Proxy tab.单击“ 代理”选项卡。 Click the Intercept sub-tab.单击“ 拦截”子选项卡。

The third button says " Intercept is on ", as shown below.第三个按钮显示“ 拦截打开 ”,如下所示。

Configuring Burp配置打嗝

In Burp, click the " Intercept is on " button.在Burp中,单击“ 拦截已打开 ”按钮。 It changes to " Intercept is off ".它变为“ 拦截已关闭 ”。

On the Proxy tab, click the Options sub-tab.在“ 代理”选项卡上,单击“ 选项”子选项卡。

In the central box, click the Interface address to highlight it, as shown below.在中央框中,单击接口地址以突出显示它,如下所示。

On the left side, click the Edit button.在左侧,单击“ 编辑”按钮。

In the "Edit proxy listener" box, click the " Specific address " button, and select your computer's IP address that is used to connect to the Internet, as shown below.在“编辑代理侦听器”框中,单击“ 特定地址 ”按钮,然后选择用于连接到Internet的计算机的IP地址,如下所示。

Click OK .单击确定

Burp shows a proxy listener on your IP address and port 8080, as shown below. Burp在您的IP地址和端口8080上显示代理侦听器,如下所示。

Make a note of this address--you will need it below.记下这个地址 - 下面你需要它。

Adjusting Android Networking to Use the Burp Proxy调整Android网络以使用Burp代理

Launch your Genymotion Android device.启动您的Genymotion Android设备。

From the Android home screen, click and drag up to show all apps.在Android主屏幕上,单击并向上拖动以显示所有应用。

Click Settings , which is outlined in green in the image below.单击“设置” ,在下图中以绿色标出。

In Settings, click " Network & internet ".在“设置”中,单击“ 网络和Internet ”。

Click Wi-Fi .点击Wi-Fi

Click AndroidWiFi .单击AndroidWiFi

Click Advanced .单击高级

In the "Network details" screen, at the top right, click the Pencil icon, outlined in green in the image below.在“网络详细信息”屏幕的右上角,单击铅笔图标,下图中以绿色标出。

In the "AndroidWifi" box, in the "Advanced options" row, click the down-arrow.在“AndroidWifi”框中的“高级选项”行中,单击向下箭头。

In the "Proxy" field, click the down-arrow.在“代理”字段中,单击向下箭头。

Click Manual , which is outlined in green in the image below.单击手动 ,在下图中以绿色标出。

Enter the IP address and port number of the Burp proxy listener, as shown below.输入Burp代理侦听器的IP地址和端口号,如下所示。

On your Android device, click SAVE .在Android设备上,单击“ 保存”

At the bottom center of the device, click the round Home button.在设备的底部中心,单击圆形主页按钮。

Testing the Proxy测试代理

From the Android home page, on the lower right, click the Browser , outlined in green in the image below.在Android主页的右下角,单击浏览器 ,在下图中以绿色标出。

In the Browser, and go to在浏览器中,转到

hackazon.samsclass.info hackazon.samsclass.info

A "Hackazon" shopping site opens, as shown below. “Hackazon”购物网站将打开,如下所示。

Viewing Traffic in Burp在Burp中查看流量

In Burp, on the Proxy tab, click the " HTTP history " sub-tab.在Burp中,在“ 代理”选项卡上,单击“ HTTP历史记录 ”子选项卡。

Scroll down and find traffic to hackazon.samsclass.info as shown below.向下滚动并找到hackazon.samsclass.info的流量,如下所示。

M 103a: Filename (10 pts) M 103a:文件名(10分)

Find the text covered by a green box in the image above.找到上图中绿框所覆盖的文字。 That's the flag.那是旗帜。

Opening a Secure Page打开安全页面

In the Android device, in the Browser, and go to在Android设备中,在浏览器中,转到

https://samsclass.info The browser does nothing, as shown below. https://samsclass.info浏览器不执行任何操作,如下所示。 It's a lousy browser, which is why we installed Chrome.这是一个糟糕的浏览器,这就是我们安装Chrome的原因。

Opening a Secure Page in Chrome在Chrome中打开安全页面

At the bottom center of the device, click the Home button.在设备的底部中心,单击“主页”按钮。 Open Chrome .打开Chrome

When you see the "Sign in to Chrome" page, click " NO THANKS ".当您看到“登录Chrome”页面时,请点击“ 不要感谢 ”。

In Chrome, go to在Chrome中,转到

https://samsclass.info https://samsclass.info

A warning message appears, saying "Your connection is not private", as shown below.将显示一条警告消息,指出“您的连接不是私密的”,如下所示。 Notice the specific error shown: NET:ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID .请注意显示的特定错误: NET:ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID This happens because Burp is performing a man-in-the-middle attack with a self-signed certificate.发生这种情况是因为Burp正在使用自签名证书执行中间人攻击。

Setting a PIN设置PIN码

Android won't let us import a certificate until the device has a PIN configured, so we'll do that first. Android将不允许我们导入证书,直到设备配置了PIN,因此我们将首先执行此操作。

At the bottom center of the device, click the Home button.在设备的底部中心,单击“主页”按钮。 Open Settings .打开设置

Scroll down and click " Security & location ", as shown below.向下滚动并单击“ 安全性和位置 ”,如下所示。

In the "Security & location" screen, click " Screen lock ", as shown below.在“安全和位置”屏幕中,单击“ 屏幕锁定 ”,如下所示。

In the "Choose screen lock" screen, click PIN .在“选择屏幕锁定”屏幕中,单击“ PIN”

Enter a simple PIN you can remember, such as 1234 , twice.输入您能记住的简单PIN码,例如1234 ,两次。 Click DONE .单击“ 完成”

Exporting the PortSwigger CA Certificate from Burp从Burp导出PortSwigger CA证书

This is HTTPS working as it should, warning you that you do not have a secure connection to the end site.这是HTTPS正常工作,警告您没有与终端站点的安全连接。 Burp is intercepting the traffic. Burp正在拦截交通。

We want to add PortSwigger as a trusted certificate authority to get rid of these messages.我们希望将PortSwigger添加为可信证书颁发机构以删除这些消息。

In Burp, click the Proxy tab.在Burp中,单击“ 代理”选项卡。

Click the Options sub-tab.单击“ 选项”子选项卡。

Click the " Import /export CA certificate... " button.单击“ 导入/导出CA证书... ”按钮。

In the "CA Certificate" box, in the Export setion, click the " Certificate in DER format " button, as shown below.在“CA证书”框中的“导出”选项中,单击“ DER格式的证书 ”按钮,如下所示。

Click Next .单击下一步

On the next page, click the " Select file... " button.在下一页上,单击“ 选择文件... ”按钮。 Navigate to a folder you can find, such as your Desktop.导航到您可以找到的文件夹,例如桌面。

Give the file a name of portswigger.cer , as shown below.为文件命名为portswigger.cer ,如下所示。

Click Save .单击保存

Click Next .单击下一步 Click Close .单击关闭

Installing the PortSwigger CA Certificate into Android将PortSwigger CA证书安装到Android中

Drag the portswigger.cer file from your host system and drop it on the Android home page.从主机系统拖动portswigger.cer文件并将其放在Android主页上。

A message appears, saying "Files successfully copied to sdcard/Download", as shown below.将显示一条消息,指出“文件已成功复制到sdcard / Download”,如下所示。

Click OK .单击确定

On your Android device, in Settings,在Android设备上的“设置”中

Importing the Portswigger Certificate导入Portswigger证书

On your Android device, in the "Security & location" screen, click Advanced , as shown below.在Android设备的“安全和位置”屏幕中,单击“ 高级” ,如下所示。

Click " Encryption & credentials ".单击“ 加密和凭据 ”。

Click " Install from SD card ", as shown below.单击“ 从SD卡安装 ”,如下所示。

In the next screen, at the top left, click the three-bar icon.在下一个屏幕的左上角,单击三栏图标。 Click Downloads .单击下载

In the Downloads window, click portswigger.cer , as shown below.在“下载”窗口中,单击“ portswigger.cer” ,如下所示。

Enter your PIN.输入您的PIN码。

Enter a name of portswigger , as shown below, and click OK .输入portswigger的名称,如下所示,然后单击“ 确定”

Opening a Secure Page Again再次打开安全页面

In Android, launch Chrome.在Android中,启动Chrome。 Go to

https://samsclass.info The page opens, as shown below. https://samsclass.info页面打开,如下所示。

Viewing HTTPS Requests in Burp在Burp中查看HTTPS请求

In Burp, on the Proxy tab, click the " HTTP history " sub-tab.在Burp中,在“ 代理”选项卡上,单击“ HTTP历史记录 ”子选项卡。

Find the line that shows the https://samsclass.info page loading, as shown below.找到显示https://samsclass.info页面加载的行,如下所示。

M 103b: Filename (10 pts) M 103b:文件名(10分)

Find the text covered by a green box in the image above.找到上图中绿框所覆盖的文字。 Enter it into the form below to record your success.将其输入下面的表格以记录您的成功。

Adjusting Android to Bypass the Proxy调整Android以绕过代理

While Burp is useful, most of the time you want to bypass it so you can get to Google Play.虽然Burp很有用,但大部分时间你都想绕过它,这样你才能进入Google Play。

From the Android home screen, click the circle at the bottom center.在Android主屏幕中,单击底部中心的圆圈。

Open Settings .打开设置

In Settings, click " Network & internet ".在“设置”中,单击“ 网络和Internet ”。

Click Wi-Fi .点击Wi-Fi

Click AndroidWiFi .单击AndroidWiFi

Click Advanced .单击高级

In the "Network details" screen, at the top right, click the Pencil icon.在“网络详细信息”屏幕的右上角,单击铅笔图标。

In the "Proxy" field, click the down-arrow.在“代理”字段中,单击向下箭头。

Click None .单击“ 无”

Then click Save .然后单击“ 保存”

Last modified 1-13-19最后修改1-13-19
Warning added 1-23-19警告添加1-23-19
Modified into a CTF 2-28-19修改为CTF 2-28-19