A4: XOR Encryption in Python (35 pts)

What You Need

A Kali Linux machine, real or virtual. You could use Windows with Python installed, but it's easier to just use Linux.


Encrypt and decrypt files using XOR in Python.

Understanding XOR

Exclusive OR (XOR) is a fundamental mathematical operation used in many encryption algorithms.

XOR operates on one bit at a time, with these results:

0 XOR 0 = 0
0 XOR 1 = 1
1 XOR 0 = 1
1 XOR 1 = 0
For our purposes, we'll use the Python ^ operator, which acts on a whole byte at a time.

Characters are ASCII-encoded, like this:

A is 01000001
B is 01000010
C is 01000011
A whole table of ASCII values is here:


Consider A^B:

A is 01000001
B is 01000010
A^B= 00000011
That is character 3, an unprintable end-of-text mark.

However, A^s is printable:

A is 01000001
s is 01110011
A^B= 00110010
The result is the hexadecimal value 0x32, or the numeral 2.

XOR in Python

In Kali Linux, in a Terminal window, execute this command:
nano xor1
In nano, enter the code shown below:

import sys

if len(sys.argv) != 4:
  print "Usage: ./xor1 infile outfile k"
  print "k is a one-character XOR key"
  print "For hexadecimal keys, use $'\\x01'"

f = open(str(sys.argv[1]), "rb")
g = open(str(sys.argv[2]), "a")
k = ord(sys.argv[3])

    byte = f.read(1)
    while byte != "":
        xbyte = ord(byte) ^ k
        byte = f.read(1)


Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter. Next, we need to make the file executable.

In a Terminal window, execute this command:

chmod a+x xor1

Encrypting a Single Character

In a Terminal window, execute this command:
You see the help message, explaining how to use the program, as shown below.

To create a file named plain1 with the letter A in it, execute these commands :

echo -n A > plain1

cat plain1
The "echo -n" command created a file named plain1 which contains a single letter A, without a carriage return at the end of the file.

The "cat plain1" command printed out the file, which appeared as a single A at the start of the next line, as shown below:

To encode the plain1 file with a key of s, execute these commands:

./xor1 plain1 cipher1 s

cat cipher1
The result is 2, as shown below:

Encrypting a Text File

In Kali Linux, in a Terminal window, execute this command:
nano plain2
In nano, enter the code shown below, replacing "YOUR NAME" with your own name:
Normal English text; written by YOUR NAME

Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter. To encrypt the file using a key of x, execute these commands:

./xor1 plain2 cipher2 x

cat cipher2
The result is strange unreadable characters, as shown below:

Decrypting a Text File

To decrypt a file, simply repeat the XOR operation with the same key. It will reverse itself.

Execute these commands:

./xor1 cipher2 plain2r x

cat plain2r
The file is restored to readable text, as shown below:

A4.1: Decrypting a Text File Without the Key (5 pts)

This one is pretty simple: the key is a capital letter, from A to Z.

To get the ciphertext, execute this command:

wget https://bowneconsultingcontent.com/pub/xorchal1-cipher
Decrypt the file. When you get it, you will see a message beginning with the word "Congratulations!".

The flag is the key as a single letter, like A

A4.2: Decrypting a Text File Without the Key (10 pts)

The key is a single byte from \x00 to \xff.

To get the ciphertext, execute this command:

wget https://bowneconsultingcontent.com/pub/xorchal2-cipher

The flag is the key as a hex byte, like E7

A4.3: Decrypting an Image File Without the Key (10 pts)

The key is a single byte from \x00 to \xff.

To get the ciphertext, execute this command:

wget https://bowneconsultingcontent.com/pub/xorchal3-cipher
This is an image file. When decrypted, it starts with a PNG file header, as shown below:

Notice that the first 4 bytes are 89, 50, 4E, 47; the 2nd through 4th byte spell out PNG in ASCII.

Decrypt the file. When you get it, change its filename extension to PNG and open it in an image viewer or Web browser.

The flag is the key as a hex byte, like E7

A4.4: Two-Byte Key (10 pts)

The key is two bytes from \x0000 to \xffff.

To get the ciphertext, execute this command:

wget https://bowneconsultingcontent.com/pub/xorchal4-cipher
This is an image file. When decrypted, it starts with a JPEG file header, as shown below:

Notice that the first 2 bytes are FFD8, and some later bytes contain the ASCII characters JFIF.

Decrypt the file. When you get it, change its filename extension to JPG and open it in an image viewer or Web browser.

The flag is the key as two hex bytes, like E7A1

Posted: 4-2-19
URLs fixed in wget commands 4-7-19
Revised for WCIL 5-20-19